Monday, October 15, 2012

Undergraduates: Spring Break Opportunity in the Largest Jewish City in the World

If you have research plans that would benefit from access to libraries, museums, historic site, or other resources, this is a great opportunity:

The Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
New York City Field Studies Program

The Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences is seeking applicants for a New York City undergraduate research field studies program to take place over spring break, March 10-15, 2013. The program, which covers students’ travel, accommodations, and some meals, enriches students’ independent research by providing them the opportunity to conduct research outside the readily available resources of the University of Pittsburgh. Daily meetings and other educational and cultural activities will be scheduled. These activities will provide a connective tissue for the program, immersing the undergraduates in New York’s vibrant intellectual and cultural life.

Applications will be accepted from any Dietrich School undergraduate who:

• is in good academic standing;
• has earned a minimum of 30 Pitt credits and declared a disciplinary major, and
• has a faculty mentor who is within the project discipline who will be responsible for the oversight of the project.

Application DUE: November 16, 2012
CONTACT: Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (OUR), 209 Thackeray Hall

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