Friday, September 19, 2014

Great opportunity for research In New York over spring break

The Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences is seeking applicants for a Field Studies Program in New York City from March 8–15, 2015.
Experimental Cities: Field Studies Program in New York City, March 8–15, 2015
New York City is where “the navel of the world and the frontier of civilization lie a few blocks apart,” historian Luc Sante writes of New York City’s diversity. Here, “generations of bent twigs [have] grown into a twisted whole.”
Travel to New York City over spring break as part of a funded interdisciplinary field studies program. Experimental Cities take place March 8–15, 2015 and is designed to complement a semester of directed research through a Dietrich School department in spring 2015. In this field studies program, you will begin to think of your own semester-long research project as a city, one that you will broaden and deepen as you explore hidden avenues and see afresh your ideas from new vistas. To supplement your semester of research, you will actively use the resources of New York City to reimagine your project.
You will participate in two pre-trip meetings with your peers—all with diverse research projects—to discuss thematic similarities and differences across disciplines. Discussion of Sante’s common reader, Low Life, a social history of New York City from the mid-19th and early 20th centuries, and daily activities, including guided tours of the Lower East Side Tenement Museum teach you how New York City forged diverse elements in order to thrive. As these activities reveal how New York City—itself a great experiment—embraced its diversity, you will acquire a model for how to broaden and redefine your own research.
The program covers travel, accommodations, and some meals.

Applications will be accepted from any Dietrich School undergraduate who:
 is in good academic standing;
 has earned a minimum of 30 credits of academic work,
 has declared a disciplinary major,
 has a faculty mentor within the project discipline responsible for oversight of the project, and intends to enroll in directed research for spring 2015.
Interested students should complete the following steps and email requested information as a PDF file to no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, November 10, 2014:
 Secure a Dietrich School faculty mentor for directed research for spring 2015.
 Complete the Cover Sheet (see attached).
 Write a two-page description of the proposed research project, specifically explaining how research in New York City will enhance the project. The description should be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point font and using 1-inch margins. No more than two pages should be submitted (excluding citations). Appendices and addendums are not allowed.
 Provide a complete academic transcript (unofficial transcripts are acceptable).
 Provide letter of support from faculty mentor.
 Confirm that, in spring of 2015, you will not simultaneously hold any other spring research awards—for example OUR awards or grants or University Honors College fellowships.
If you are accepted into the program, you will:
 Enroll for 1 – 3 credits of directed research in a Dietrich School department.
 Complete the Learning Agreement provided by the OUR with your faculty mentor. The Learning Agreement defines expectations of the faculty mentor and the student for spring semester research, including the week of research in New York City.
 Provide a copy of your Learning Agreement to the OUR.
 Work diligently on your research project for the spring term, fulfilling the conditions of the Learning Agreement.
 Agree to a one-time payment of $50 and a deposit payment of $250. The deposit will be returned at the start of the program.
 Agree to meet with representatives of the Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity to discuss your experience.
Please note the deposit, payment, and a copy of the Learning Agreement are not due at this time, and will only be required once you have been admitted to the program.

Cover Sheet _____
Two page description of project _____
Faculty mentor letter of support _____
Complete academic transcript _____
Email application as a PDF to no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, November 10, 2014.
Cover Sheet
The Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
Experimental Cities: Field Studies Program in New York City, March 8–-15, 2015
Name:____________________________________ PeopleSoft ID:____________________
Major(s):__________________________________ Minor(s):________________________
Certificate(s):______________________________ ________________________________
E-mail:____________________________________ Phone:__________________________
Department in which the project is to be conducted:__________________________________
Provide a brief description of the project and how it contributes to your discipline:
Primary New York City location(s) of research:______________________________________
Student Signature:______________________________________________________________
To be completed by faculty mentor
Faculty Mentor’s name (print):___________________ Department:_____________________
E-mail:____________________________ Phone:___________________________________
Campus Address:_______________________________________________________________
In brief, describe the reporting and evaluation plan for the student’s work and progress on
his or her research in New York City.
Faculty Signature:________________________________ Date_____________________
Student Signature:________________________________ Date_____________________

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